The Frank Bobbins Institute.

Twenty years ago I had a passing thought. A passing though that led to viewing a building with the intention to buy. I was busy researching for an artists biography when I found that his former studio space was for sale. It was an interesting space and I wanted to save it from demolition. Alas, my endeavour was to be futile. The land upon which the building stood was contaminated and the cost was to prove too much. My intention for the building was to convert it into studio spaces for recent graduates. A space that would provide a cheap stepping stone over those first difficult years.
The studio was later demolished to become a car sales business, and my idea was put aside. Over the years the idea has drifted in and out of focus alongside various unsuccessful attempts to obtain properties for potential gallery and studio projects.

Head down, I have continued to work as an artist, art historian, curator, writer of nonsense and lecturer.

It is through my work as a lecturer that I met Dave. Dave is also an artist, alongside being a designer, an author and a lecturer. We began working together about ten years ago when he became the painting and design lecturer where I was the sculpture and art history lecturer.

During a period of mutual confusion with elements of the structure that surrounded us, we blundered upon Frank Bobbins and his Bobbinist Manifesto. Frank became our catalyst, our invented deity, through whom we vented our creative frustration. Our antidote to what had fast become a constraining situation. Over time Frank has come to symbolise all that is positive with childlike curiosity and fun, when oppressive seriousness appears to engulf our creativity.

A year ago, whilst sitting beside the water, close to Sol LeWitt's cinder block and mortar sculpture at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, where our students were on their research trip. Our conversation drifted towards where their future would lie and we joked about setting up a studio space and gallery. We named the idea ‘The Frank Bobbins Institute’.

A year later, the opportunity for a venue arose and we stumbled back into the earlier conversation. An opportunity too good to be missed, we took the risk.

A busy few months later, our artists selected, the building work nearly complete. We are pleased to unveil the studio space and gallery, that is “The Frank Bobbins Institute”.

It has been twenty years from initial idea, to the final realisation. The space will be a provider of cheap studio space, dialogue and exhibition opportunity for a group of recent graduates.

We hope you find time to visit and enjoy the atmosphere.

Frank Bobbins Institute blog

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